Binsfeldius Cluster, Naming convention

This entry is part 19 of 20 in the series Binsfeldius Cluster (Original)

As you might have noticed I’m not using industry ‘standard’ names for my components. Well hey, it’s a test environment and we’re allowed to have some naming fun there…

It is however one coherent theme and it has a bit of dark logic to it. I’ll draw up a domain diagram in another post.


It’s a sinister theme based on the dark side of Hell (where they probably have better parties anyway). Well, Hell can be translated as Tartarus which is the domainname. As this is a test environment you see the abreviation TTG a lot which stands for Tartarus Testing Grounds.

Core Server names

The server names are based on the seven deadly sins. In 1589, Peter Binsfeld paired each of the deadly sins with a demon, who tempted people by means of the associated sin. According to Binsfeld’s classification of demons, the pairings are as follows:

  • Lucifer: Pride
  • Mammon: Greed
  • Asmodeus: Lust
  • Leviathan: Envy
  • Beelzebub: Gluttony
  • Satan/Aamon: Wrath
  • Belphegor: Sloth

This will be the names of the 8 core servers which make up the Tartarus domain. As you’ll see in the domain diagram post these servers provide the core services such as Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, TMG, DPM, etc.

Cluster Name

As Peter Binsfeld (or latin: Petrus Binsfeldius) paired the names to the associated sin, it’s only appropriate to name the cluster which supports everything after him. Hence the Binsfeldius Cluster.

TTG VM Server names

As I need more than just the core services to be able to test stuff, the non-core VM’s are named after the 10 plagues of Egypt. Currently I don’t need more than 10 additional VM’s to my Core Servers for testing. The server name is the singular form of the plague (e.g. Blood or Frog).

  1. Plague of blood
  2. Plague of frogs
  3. Plague of lice
  4. Plague of flies
  5. Plague of pestilence
  6. Plague of boils
  7. Plague of hail
  8. Plague of locusts
  9. Plague of darkness
  10. Plague of death (of the firstborn)

I’ll keep track of each server’s function/role in the system’s proporties in AD, which also shows up in the complete list in SCVMM.


By putting TTG in front of resource names I can easily identify test environment resources, so storage LUN TTGDFS is the Distributed File System LUN for the cluster. Especially since my storage has connectors in multiple networks and feeds storage to multiple locations.

So there you have it, a small insight into my psyque…

Series Navigation<< Binsfeldius Cluster, Live Migration & VLAN tag pitfallsBinsfeldius Cluster, getting SCVMM 2008R2 SP1 up’n’running >>
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